Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tyler hits the Big Top

This past Sunday (which also happened to be Mother's Day, so happy Mother's Day to all the moms and moms-to-be out there), Amanda and I took Tyler to the circus in Hartford. Except for the fireworks, he seemed to really enjoy it. The elephants and tigers appeared to be his favorites, but it was really cool to see the expressions on his face for most of the performances. I still cannot figure out how the motorcycles in the cage do not hit each other when they start criss-crossing.
On a side note, everyone will be happy to know that, barring some serious bad luck, I will no longer be able to father a child. The world can now relax because there will only be 2 of my off-spring running around this planet.
Until next time, be safe and talk to you soon.

With love,


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