Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Now that Amanda and I have a full week off together for the first time since our honeymoon, we decided it was time to go away for a couple of days by ourselves. So with the help of Grammie and Papa Light having Tyler and Bryce stay at their house for a couple of nights, we took off for Portland, ME for 2 nights. It was nice to get away without the boys, but it was just as nice to come home today and see them. Nothing to newsworthy about the trip itself, so I will not bore anyone witht the details. The rest of vacation week will include an oil change for my car, an emissions test for Amanda's car and some other odds-and-ends on Thursday and then Friday we plan to take the boys to the aquarium in Boston. We finish the week attending Katie's 4th birthday party on Saturday. Vacations just are not long enough!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's it for now.


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